jason & kay
Hello, we are Jason and Kay Kimpton.
Founders of Conscious Earth
& Facilitators of Digital Detox Retreats.
We founded Conscious Earth in 2005 after completing a 4 year world traveling adventure with our three Children.
Since this journey we felt inspired to connect with the land once again and to try and leave "soft footprints" behind us.
Our travels opened our eyes to the Universe of infinite possibilities.
We were guided to this place, where the land and water source are clean and free from chemicals and also free from the technological barrage of wifi and mobile phone signals.
For the past 10 years we have been lucky to enjoy some wonderful visitors from around the world.
People that we have met on our travels and people that have helped us build Conscious Earth.
Guests that have come here with their wonderful energies. Recently a metamorphosis has commenced as we have welcomed a flow of Retreat and Workshop Facilitators that will work with us and you, to continue to share and grow.
We are very Happy to have such wonderful people and Facilitators cross our path and welcome anyone who wishes to stay as a Guest, Retreat participant, or New Facilitator.
We look forward to expanding our Consciousness with you!